The Masked Man Saga: Who Let the Dogs Out? Final Part

Hi all! Whistle Here! So, here we are: at the end of the chapter 2: Who let the dogs out? I have to admit that drawing this story is fun, but it takes very much of my time, it is slow, every part is small struggle(more or less) and sometimes I feel a pressure about the content: Do I please you guys? Is there more something specific you would like to see? Or see less? Feedback is always most welcome! So leave a comment and boost my inspiration! This is the final part of the chapter 2 and it will also(probably) be the last publication of the year 2023. I also have to admit, that spring is very busy time for me in my work, so I cannot guarantee that I can publish new part every Month, but please, bear with me! The Masked Man Saga is finished in my mind, but it will take time until it's ready on paper. You can also always suggest ballbust scenarios and castration methods to me that you would like to see(: Oval city is a big place and the danger of losing your "purse" lurks ...