What Happened Here?

Hi! Whistle here! I know, I know:n Last Months Chapter wasn't published at all. I'm so sorry. I think I lost myself somewhere while enjoying my summer vacation(Everyone should have one!). So, as a apologies I start something new, something small, that I wish you, my dear readers, will paricipate! In the future, Now and then, I will publish my illustrations and I deeply wish that you guys will tell me what actually happened in that picture. Tell me a story in a comment section. Even a short one :) Let your imagination flow! This one I made for Buster(some Months ago)to use in his blog: crackednutsballbusting.blogspot.com Time will tell If he ever used it in his future stories. Even I don't know! Makes my nut wiggle for excitment. Next chapter for The Masked Man Saga will be published at the end of this Month. Thank you for your patience. It will include new characters, some slapstick, and...I think there is a castration also. Whistle. So, what happened?